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Astrid Proll

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    © Astrid Proll: „Hans und Grete“

Astrid Proll (* 1947 in Kassel/Germany). Proll graduated from Hamburg University of Art where she studied Film and Photography (1980). In her early twenties she was a member of the Baader  Meinhof Group. She was some years imprisonend before being brought to trial. For nine years she worked for Tempo Magazine as their picture editor, and later Der Spiegel and The Independent Newspaper. At Tempo she worked with leading photographers from Fashion and Reportage and commissioned many young talents. Proll is author of Baader Meinhof, Pictures On the Run, a visual history of the RAF. She had solo and group exhibitions at Dazed&Confused London, Liverpool Biennale, Llangollen Fringe, Deichtorhalle, Kunsthalle HH,  Kunstwerke, Rotterdam Photomuseum. She taught as Visiting Lecturer at the Royal College of Art, and at the University of Arts, Berlin.


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