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Alles Lüge? Manipulation in der Fotografie

Event from the DGPh
The disqualification of Giovanni Trolios work for World Press Award 2015, and the current accusation against Steve McCurry
for image manipulation, launched a worldwide discussion about ethical standards in photography. Where is the dividing line beween documentation and staged photography? And where does the processing endsand starts manipulation? Discussion with Christoph Bangert (photographer), Peter Bialobrzeski (photographer), Lars Boering (Managing Director World Press Photo Foundation - requested) Lutz Fischmann (Managing Director Freelens e.V.), Bettina Flitner (photographer)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln
An der Rechtschule
50667 Köln


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All Fake? Manipulation in photography

23.09.2016   18.00h