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What's behind?

  • whats behind_bunker k101_1500px.jpg

    © Roland Neuburg

What’s behind? In the age of the mass distribution of digital photography and of the corresponding storage possibilities, both public and private image archives have endlessly grown. The photo is meant to illustrate reality, to provide certainty that nothing will be lost.
The question arises, however, whether photography can illustrate anything at all. Does it not, rather, produce a sham reality, which needs to be questioned.
The title What´s behind? says it all about the exhibition at bunkerk101.

60Innere Sicherheit/
The State I am In

Hochbunker Körnerstraße
Körnerstr. 101
50823 Köln - Ehrenfeld

diverse Künstler

17.09. – 07.10.2016


17.09.2016   19.00h

Festival opening hours

Fri 18h – 22h 
Sat 19h – 21h
Sun 15h – 19h

additional events


07.10.2016   19.00h – 22.00h


» bunker101

Hochbunker Körnerstraße